Les Pierres de Julie also participates in Pink October....

Pink October... In France today, 1 woman out of 8 is at risk of developing breast cancer. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the easier it is to cure. So screening is vital, but so is research! Les Pierres de Julie is also participating in Pink October: Pink Sapphires, Pink...

Pink October...

In France today, 1 woman out of 8 is at risk of developing breast cancer.

The earlier breast cancer is detected, the easier it is to cure.

So screening is vital, but so is research!

Les Pierres de Julie is also participating in Pink October: Pink Sapphires, Pink Opals, Morganite, Pink Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, 5% of each sale of these jewels will be donated to the Institut Curie!


The Institut Curie is a private foundation created by Marie Curie and recognised as a public utility in 1921.

A major player in the fight against cancer, the Institut Curie is home to France's largest cancer research centre and a cancer hospital complex that treats 13,000 patients every year.

If you also wish to donate:


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