The First Vendôme Jeweler
Fabergé: the goldsmith who created the most expensive eggs in the world
Fabergé: the goldsmith who created the most expensive eggs in the world Jewelry, watches and perfumes, the name of the House of Fabergé is indissociable...
Ethical jewellery: combining aesthetics and ecological responsibility
Ethical jewellery: combining aesthetics and ecological responsibility
Buying ethical jewellery is a great way to combine beauty and ecological responsibility.
Art Deco jewelry: a true signature in jewelry
Art Deco jewelry: a true signature in jewelry Rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, pendants or earrings: the Art Deco second hand jewelry market still has a...
70’s Jewelry
70’s Jewelry
Eclectic Jewelery !!
David Webb
David Webb
60’s American jeweller